ok, so i know no parent of the year award will be given after this but here goes... nobody got hurt and unless you have three kids...(this is my new motto) don't judge me. so, i was trying to get ready in my bathroom. maddie and asa were in the living room wathing cartoons/ she was playing he was watching her...he got fussy so i made him a bottle and positioned him. i asked her to hold it for him while she sat and watched her cartoons and then we could leave....when i checked back in this is what i found...every pillow in the living room being used to prop his bottle up and maddie 3 feet away watching cartoons. (the first two pics she took)
That is the so funny! I tried to have Caroline give Graham a bottle one time but it did not work out. She couldn't concentrate and he freak out every time she let it fall!
my husband adam and i have been married for ten years and we have three incredible kids! i am full-time mom and part-time dental hygienist. things i love...my husband, specifically, how he can make me laugh like really belly laugh. my babies...all three for so many reasons i can't even wrap my brain around. my God who sent his only son to die for me...that takes on a whole new meaning once you have a son. Jesus Christ who was the ultimate example and because of i will have eternal life. on a lighter note...football...any nfl game but always rooting for the cowboys. sec football but obviously always rooting for the hogs. my family. friends. old school anything. camping...water sites only. date night. showing my kids something for the first time and watching their eyes light up. my church...the people, it's mission to reach people for christ. bargins. third day. coming home to a clean house. when my "skinny jeans" fit.
Bless his heart!! He's going to have to be a survivor. I never propped at bottle until Scott.....#3 is hard!
That is the so funny! I tried to have Caroline give Graham a bottle one time but it did not work out. She couldn't concentrate and he freak out every time she let it fall!