Friday, February 5, 2010

maddie's version of giving asa his bottle...

ok, so i know no parent of the year award will be given after this but here goes... nobody got hurt and unless you have three kids...(this is my new motto) don't judge me. so, i was trying to get ready in my bathroom. maddie and asa were in the living room wathing cartoons/ she was playing he was watching her...he got fussy so i made him a bottle and positioned him. i asked her to hold it for him while she sat and watched her cartoons and then we could leave....when i checked back in this is what i found...every pillow in the living room being used to prop his bottle up and maddie 3 feet away watching cartoons. (the first two pics she took)

asa is three months old!

love this...i'm pretty sure this was the first moment he discovered he had a little was so cute. it entertained him for a long time :)

he loves baths now...yeah!

this small tub thing won't last much longer because he's so active it makes the biggest mess! he loves to splash!

blurry but cute...sad little face :(

becoming very vocal...may have another maddie on our hands...may be the only way he gets a word in though!

maddie's book character parade at school

this is maddie and her best buddy, sailor grace at their book parade. maddie chose one of her new favorite books: "birdie's big girl shoes" that she got from scarlet for her birthday. it's a super cute book about a little girl who always dresses up in her mommy's high heels. (couldn't be more fitting) so we dug up my old prom heels...fanciest we could find and she marched the parade in them.....she was a hit! parents were in awe of how she could actually walk in them...if they only knew...she'd do everything in them if i'd let her...where did she come from???
lovin the attention!

leading of course...lovin life

with some friends and mrs. tonja at morning prayer

book character day at max's school

max (the giraffe from "giraffes can't dance") and mrs. doan
(can't remember her book character but her hair doesn't usually look like this!)

he had to wear a microphone around his neck and stand in front of the class and give a book report about his favorite book : giraffes can't dance. dressed as the main character : a giraffe

i was a nervous wreck for him because he's quite shy but he did great.
he didn't miss a beat and gave a great report!

taking the microphone off

one of his best buds...sam...who was ironically the character max this day
from "where the wild things are"!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

halloween 2009

a baby doll, a lobster, a pumkin minus his shell, a crab

asa's first halloween...a lobster...bless his little heart
stetie got him this so he and kohen could be crustaceans together

angry lobster

crustacean wagon

looks peaceful but kohen discovered asa had something he liked...a passy
and we're off... maddie lasted .3seconds pulling the wagon...

the guys tossed the football up and down the street.......
we made them stop for this cheesy pose! it's cute though!

just for the record, he had the option to be spiderman or batman...
he loves this old pumpkin i had to wear years ago at work when i was pregnant with him...
trick or treating

cutie patooties!

sweet baby

tired little lobster
happy 1st halloween!